Profollica vs. Provillus: A Study in Heart Failure

Many people do not realize that pondering on Profollica vs. Provillus is literally choosing between life and death. As with so many other things of this nature, confusing or conflicting information can easily cause a person to make a fatal choice. Unfortunately, men looking to cure male pattern baldness often don’t realize just how dangerous Provillus really is.

profollica shampoo

Today, the manufacturers of Provillus go to great length to say their product is approved by the FDA. While this may be true, Vioxx and many other drugs were also given the same seal of approval. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Provillus, shares the same active ingredient as Rogaine. If you do some research, you will find this particular ingredient, Minoxidol, causes severe heart damage. In fact, Provillus is so dangerous it can kill cats faster than antifreeze. While it is not as immediately toxic to humans, there is no question it can easily lead to an untimely death.

When you think about Profollica vs. Provillus, you also need to think about what it means to use an herbal product with no known side effects. Fortunately, Profollica won’t kill a cat, let alone harm you. Today, Profollica has a reputation for only using the safest, and most effective natural ingredients. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about Profollica irritating your scalp. That said, if you don’t have dandruff and skin irritation now, Provillus will most likely cause both conditions to develop.

profollica vs provillus

If you are thinking about Profollica vs. Provillus, then you need to be sure that you understand the ramifications of choosing one over the other. In particular, if you believe that Provillus is safe just because it has an FDA label, it may be time to make sure your life insurance policy is up to date. On the other hand, if you choose Profollica, you can look forward to a long healthy life, and a nice luxurious head of hair in the bargain. Chances are, when you consider the options in their true light, you will realize that there is no way for a dangerous product like Provillus to compete with a safe and effective one like Profollica.

Read more about Profollica at official site:
